
What is a Fictitious Business Name?

by Attorney Ben Forbes Choosing a name is one of the first steps to starting your business. The name of your business is one of its most important assets. It carries the business’s reputation and puts potential customers on notice of the services it will provide. The Pennsylvania Department of...

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Should I Transfer My Home to My Child?

by Attorney Ashley Securda Many clients call me and say they want to make an appointment to transfer their home to their child/children to avoid inheritance tax and to avoid having to go through the probate process. While that sounds like a simple real estate transaction with the preparation of a...

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How long does it take to administer an estate?

by Attorney Ashley Securda Generally, start to finish, I advise my clients that the estate administration process takes about a year to complete. This is for several reasons. First, it takes a couple of weeks for the Executor/Executrix to gather all of the assets and value them. Once we receive...

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Why should you have a Will?

by Attorney James E Crossen, III A will is an important legal document that will protect your wishes. Having a will helps minimize family disagreements. In your Will, you have the ability to make the following decisions: Who should serve as the Executor? The Executor is the person who is in charge...

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Do You Have A Power Of Attorney?

At Williamson, Friedberg & Jones, LLC, we assist individuals with respect to estate planning.  One of the most important documents a person should have as part of an estate plan is a Power-of-Attorney form. What is a Power-of-Attorney form? It is a legal document where a person (the...

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Forming and Managing a Nonprofit Organization

[column width="1/1" last="true" title="" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] FORMINGA NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION by Attorney James E. Crossen, III Are you looking to form a nonprofit corporation?  Before you start a new nonprofit, make sureyou have identified an unmet need in your...

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My worker’s compensation case was denied. What should I do?

Don’t give up. Speak to an experienced worker’s compensation attorney right away. You may be entitled to lost wage benefits or medical benefits to pay for your medical bills. Sometimes claims are denied for simple errors on an application, for example, missing information or a typographical error....

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When do I need to hire a criminal lawyer for a DUI (or why should I?)

Technically, you don’t NEED to hire an attorney in any criminal matter, but it would be foolish in most circumstances not to do so. In criminal cases, such as DUI, you may be subjected to fines and loss of liberty (jail time). You may want to consult with an attorney immediately after your arrest...

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Contact Williamson Friedberg & Jones

For urgent questions, please call us at (570) 622-5933.

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